Majestics Contest Categories

1. Replica Stock (1/20 and smaller)

2. Street Mod & Pro Street (1/20 and smaller)

3. Competition Open Wheel (1/20 and smaller)

4. Competition Closed Wheel (1/20 and smaller)

5. Custom & Show cars (1/20 and smaller)

6. Street Rods (1/20 and smaller)

7. Public Service Vehicles (1/20 and smaller)

8. Light Trucks (1/20 and smaller)

9. Heavy Trucks (1/20 and smaller)

10. Motorcycles (all scales)

11. Large scales (1/19 and larger)

12. Muscle Cars (1/20 and smaller)

13. Dioramas (all scales)

14. Miscellaneous (all scales)

15. Junior (all scales)