1. Biplane a) 1/72 and smaller Greg Putz - Tiger Moth b) larger than 1/72 Marlon Schultz - Fokker Dr.I 1/48 scale 3. Single Engine Prop a) 1/72 and smaller Michael Koslovsky - Bloch MB-152 b) 1/48 Int: Jaimie Krienke - P-40B Marlon Schultz - Spitfire Mk.Vc 4. Multi-Prop a) 1/72 Greg Putz - Lancaster b) 1/48 Kevin Krienke - C-47 c) Other Scales Ron Hofer - Spruce Goose 5. Small Jet a) 1/72 Greg Putz - CT-133 b) 1/48 Michael Koslovsky - Sabre Mk.5J 6. Large Jet a) 1/72 Greg Putz - CF-101 Voodoo 409Sq. b) 1/48 Dave Schmidt - MiG-29 8. Airliners b) Other Scales Gordon MacDonald - Dornier Do-X 9. Civil, sport and racing, all scales Dave Porter - Caudron Racer 10. Rotary wing, all scales Michael Evans - Bell 47 11.Vacuforms/Conversions/Scratchbuilts (Civil & Military) Greg Putz - Digby 12.Collections (5 or more kits) Gord McDonald - Wingstone Cup jet racers 13. Figures, all scales Jay Moffatt - Royal Flying Corps Lt. 14. Aircraft Dioramas, all scales a) Small composition (single aircraft, no more than 5 figures) Int: Jamie Krienke - Crashed Halifax Bomber Dave Porter - Fw-190D 1/48 scale b) Large Composition Michael Koslovsky - Pacific Corsair 15. Humour Michael Koslovsky - Zero fighter Eggplane 16. Space Ron Hofer - Bachem Natter 17. Aircraft Components Gordon MacDonald - 1/12 scale Wright Cyclone radial engine