AIRCRAFT 1. Biplane (and others that are predominately fabric, strut, and rigging) a) 1/72 and smaller Kelly Wionzek - Albatros W-4 b) larger than 1/72 Jnr: Bryan Evans - Fokker Dr.I Marlon Schultz - Fokker Dr.I 1/48 scale 2. Single Engine Prop b) 1/48 unknown - P-47N Thunderbolt 3. Multi-Engine Prop a) 1/72 and smaller Cam Tetrault - Canadair C-5 VIP plane b) 1/48 Jnr: Mark Talbot - He-129 Lyle Frost - Messerschmitt Bf-110G-4 4. Single and Multi-engine Prop, 1/32 Steve Curll - P-51B Mustang 5. Small Jet Single Engine a) 1/72 and smaller unknown - F9F-8 Cougar b) 1/48 Lyle Frost - Hawker Hunter 6. Large Jet Multi-engine a) 1/72 and smaller Jeff Klassen - Su-37 Flanker b) 1/48 Dave Porter - F-4E Phantom 7. Jets, 1/32 unknown - Messerschmitt Me-262 9A. Gliders, all scales Kevin Krienke - Me-321 11.Vacuuforms/Conversions/Scratchbuilts (Civil & Military) a) 1/72 and smaller Kelly Wionzek - Short Bomber c) 1/32 Vern Gwin - C-47 12. Collections Lyle Frost - Messerschmitt Bf-109Es and Fs MILITARY VEHICLES 14. Closed Top AFV's (through 1945, including tanks, assault guns and self-propelled guns (1/48 and larger) Mark Menge - Cromwell Mk.IV 15. Closed Top AFV's (post 1945, including tanks, assault guns and self-propelled guns (1/48 and larger) Ryan Cunningham - JS-III 16. Armoured half-tracks and armoured cars (all eras) 1/48 and larger Ryan Cunningham - Sdkfz251/8 17. Soft skinned military vehicles (all eras including jeeps, trucks, un-armoured half-tracks and motorcycles) 1/48 and larger Mark Menge - Zundapp KS750 motorcycle 18. Artillery, all eras, towed (includes missiles 1/48 and larger and all scales of railroad guns) Mark Menge - M102 105mm howitzer 19. Conversions/Scratchbuilts 1/48 and larger Robert Aaberg - 88mm Flak Panzer AUTOMOBILES 21. Replica stock (unmodified body, chassis and drive-train except for tires and wheels, includes conversions) 1/20 and smaller Jnr: Ed Kapp - '69 Dodge Dart Dave Schmidt - '69 GTO 22. Street Modified Hal Quinn - '67 Chev Impala 23. Competition, open wheel (1/20 and smaller) a) Road or Oval Dave Porter - RA-272 Honda b) Drag Larry Draper - Top Fuel dragster 24. Competition, closed wheel (1/20 and smaller) a) Road Race Dave Porter - Corvette Grand Sport b) Drag William Yee - '68 VW Beetle drag car 25. Custom and Show cars (1/20 and smaller) Nathan Meckler - VW Beetle 26. Street Rods (1/20 and smaller) Ed Kereluk - '39 Phantom Roadster 27. Pro/Street, 1/20 and smaller Mike Stobbs - '64 Chev Truck 28. Public Service Cars and Trucks (e.g. taxis, police, fire, utility, tow trucks etc.), 1/20 and smaller Dean Ealy - Ambulance 29. Light Trucks Hal Quinn - '72 Chev 454 Pickup 30. Heavy trucks 1/20 and smaller Jnr: Jonathan Paul - White Freightliner Frank Turgeon - GMC Tractor and Cattle Liner 31. Motorcycles, all scales Joseph Yu Yu Kwan - 191A Harley 32. Large scales (1/19 and larger) Richard Abday - '57 Chevy Coupe 33. Metal, Resin or Plastic smaller than 1/32 Dean Ealy - Dodge Durango SPACE & SCI-FI 34. Real spacecraft and vehicles Dave Porter - Saturn V 35. Film and TV spacecraft and vehicles Jnr: Bryan Evans - Batmobile Dave Porter - Klingon Bird of Prey SHIPS 37. Sail Powered Ships Jnr: Abby Daene - Roman Warship Richard Upcott - USS Constitution 38. Powered (surface) b) 1/400 and larger unknown - Vosper MTB 39. Submarines a) 1/401 and smaller Steve Curll - USS Grouper FIGURES 41. Military Figures On Foot, all scales Jnr: Mark Talbot - Signaler Cam Tetrault - Samurai 42. Non-military, all scales Jnr: Rachel Daene - Two Gunfighters Dave Porter - Belly Dancer 43. Sci-Fi/Fantasy, all scales Jnr: Connor Novak - Robot Wes Long - Predator 44.Gaming Pieces Roger Daene - 15mm gaming pieces 45. Dinosaurs Joseph Yu Yu Kwan - Tyrannosaurus Rex DIORAMAS 46. Aircraft a) Small composition (single aircraft, no more than 5 figures) all scales Dave Porter - Messerschmitt Bf-109G-10 b) Large Composition Cam Tetrault - Airshow 47. Military vehicles a) Small Composition Jnr: Mark Talbot - 88mm gun and crew Ryan Cunningham - T-26 Pershing tank b) Large composition (2 or more vehicles, and/or more than 5 figures) 1/48 and larger Jnr: Mark Talbot - Churchill tank Dave Porter - Panther tank 48. Automobiles b) Light Trucks Michael Evans - '56 Ford pickup 49. Figures a) Vignette (5 or fewer figures): Jnr: Daniel Stubbings - German Mountain Troops b) Diorama Zachariah Becker - Last Stand Teuborg