1.01 The full name of the organization shall be Regina Scale Modellers, and will be a member chapter of the International Plastic Modellers Society of Canada, commonly known as RSM, and herein called RSM and/or the Chapter and/or the Club.

1.02 In order to maintain our affiliation with the national organization, the Chapter must, at a minimum, fulfill the following conditions:
   i. Have a minimum membership of five.
   ii. Have at least three of its membership, including the Chapter president, be paid members of IPMS Canada.

1.03 Newsletter
   i. The club's newsletter will be called Antenna.
   ii. Lapsed members who have not paid their yearly RSM dues will be suspended from the Antenna circulation list as of November 1.


2.01 The purpose of the Chapter is to locally promote and enhance the hobby of plastic scale model construction. A plastic model would be one where the basis of the model is a plastic derivative, including, but not limited to styrene, resin, fibreglass, vinyl, PET, ABS and other plastics.

2.02 RSM is organized as a non-profit operation with the general welfare of the Chapter directed by the Chapter executive.

2.03 All persons with an interest in plastic scale modelling are welcome to join RSM.

2.04 RSM extends an invitation to members of the public to visit meetings, displays, or special events.


3.01 Any person under the age of ten years may join RSM provided they are accompanied by an adult to all meetings they attend.

3.02 Yearly membership dues are required for anyone to become a member of RSM.

3.03 Yearly membership dues are required for anyone to become a member of RSM. Membership runs from September of the current year, to the end of August of the following year. Members joining the club partway through the year will have their membership dues pro-rated. Dues may be waived at the discretion of the Executive.

3.04 Membership in RSM is required for anyone to take part in the normal activities of the Chapter such as elections, discussions, the annual club contest, and social activities, other than guests invited on behalf of RSM.

3.05 The club newsletter will be distributed to paid RSM members. Members have the option to receive the newsletter as a paper copy or an electronic copy, but not both. Any member joining part way through the year may request back issues for the portion of the year they missed, contingent on issue availability.


4.01 The membership will elect, out of its own members, executive officers to direct the operations and activities of RSM.

4.02 The executive will consist of the elected positions of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Newsletter Director. Members-at-Large will be appointed by the Executive, which may be from a list of nominees from the membership. The chairman of a standing committee may, at the discretion of the President, be considered as a member of the executive for the duration of the committee's mandate.

4.03 Term of office for all executive positions shall be from September of the current year, to the end of August of the following year; the term lasting one year in length.

4.04 The nominees for the position of president will, at some time during membership in the Chapter, have served in an elected or appointed position on the Chapter executive.

4.05 Chapter executive meetings may be held at the prerogative of the President.

4.06 Only the Chapter executive shall initiate any Chapter activities associated with any individuals or groups external to RSM.

4.07 An executive member can be removed from office by a vote of impeachment, carried by a majority of the executive. The offense(s) involved must be clearly illegal or unethical violations of the power bestowed upon an executive member by the chapter constitution and by-laws.

4.08 President
   i. The Chapter President must also be a member of the national organization, IPMS Canada, during the president's term of office.
   ii. The President's duties are to:
      a) Administer the operation of the Chapter;
      b) Chair the executive and general meetings;
      c) Direct and supervise the other executive members and any standing committees;
      d) Issue the Chapter constitution, by-laws, and contest rules;
      e) Provide liaison with the National Executive of IPMS Canada;
      f) With the Secretary-Treasurer, is responsible for issuing and receiving payments.
   iii. IPMS Canada membership for the President will be paid for by the Chapter.

4.09 Vice-President
   i. The Vice-President's duties are to:
      a) Act as an assistant to the President;
      b) In the absence of any member of the executive, assume that role and duties pertaining to the position in the interim;
      c) Orient and introduce new members to the Chapter;
      d) Develop the program/activity portion of the general meetings;
      e) Coordinate the Moose Jaw Airshow display;
      f) Coordinate the club's annual contests.
   ii. IPMS Canada membership for the Vice-President will be paid for by the Chapter.

4.10 Secretary/Treasurer
   i. The Secretary/Treasurer's duties are to:
      a) Record the minutes from executive and general meetings;
      b) Submit for Newsletter publication any appropriate information from the executive and general meetings;
      c) Maintain the Chapter membership list and mail out list, and to inform Newsletter committee of changes/additions.
      d) Collect membership dues;
      e) Pay accounts;
      f) Prepare expenditure forecasts;
      g) Manage bank accounts;
      h) Prepare and submit for inspection the Chapter's finances at regular intervals and at the Annual General Meeting.
   ii. Club expenditures up to fifty dollars require the approval of the President or Vice President; expenditures over fifty dollars require the approval of the executive committee (quorum of fifty percent required). Written monthly reports to be submitted at the Executive meetings and a yearly summation to be printed in the Antenna prior to yearly elections in June.
   iii. IPMS Canada membership for the Secretary/Treasurer will be paid for by the Chapter.

4.11 Newsletter Director
   i. The Newsletter Director's duties are to:
      a) collect, produce, and distribute the Antenna, the club's monthly newsletter.

4.12 Member-at-Large
   i. The duties of a Member-at-large are to:
      a) Chair temporary or existing sub-committees as directed by the President;
      b) Assist any or all executive members in their duties;
      c) Carry out any other duties as assigned by the President.

4.13 Standing Committees are appointed by the Executive and ratification by the membership is not required.
   i. Newsletter/Antenna
      a) This committee will prepare, produce, and distribute the Chapter newsletter, the Antenna at regular intervals between the monthly meeting.
   ii. Modeller of the Year
      a) See Section 7.03
   iii. Majestics Car Show a) This committee will, in conjunction with the Majestics Car Club of Regina, plan, organize, and operate the model car and truck contest held in conjunction with the Majestics' annual show.


5.01 The elected portion of the Chapter Executive will be elected by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting, held in conjunction with the June general meeting. The members present at the AGM will vote by ballot or by a show of hands.

5.02 A quorum of fifty-percent of the current membership is required in order for an election to take place.

5.03 In the event of a delay, the present executive will set an alternative date, within a reasonable period of time.

5.04 By-elections can be held to replace any members of the executive unable or unwilling to complete their term of office.


6.01 A general meeting will be held once per month from August of the current year to June of the following year. The Annual General Meeting will be concurrent with the June meeting.

6.02 Times and dates for the general meetings will be established by the executive, and any changes will be made by the President.

6.03 Competitions, displays, or other entertainment can be part of the activities of RSM.

6.04 The nature of the entertainment portion of the general meetings will reflect the members' interests as established by The Chapter executive.

6.05 Any member of RSM can address the executive or membership at the monthly meetings.

6.06 Any Chapter business requiring the membership's consent, by a vote, needs a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the membership list.


7.01 A Chapter Contest will normally be held in May, but can be moved at the discretion of the executive. Contest entry is open only to the membership of the chapter.

7.02 Standard Contest rules will be established, and regularly updated to reflect current IPMS standards and practices, along with RSM specific modifications.

7.03 The Modeller of the Year award will be known as the Doug Hendrickson Award, and shall be engraved as such for presentation to the winner.
   i. Selection of Modeller of the Year will be the result of deliberations by the Modeller of the Year Committee.
   ii. The Modeller of the Year Committee will be made up of the previous year's recipient, plus one member of his/her choice, plus one member appointed by the Chapter executive. Committee members are ineligible for the current year's award.
   iii. This committee will choose the next recipient if a member has met the criteria. If no award is given for a current year, the committee disbands and the last recipient shall reform the committee next season.
   iv. Criteria to be used shall include:
      a) contributions made to the club and hobby;
      b) overall modelling skills;
      c) dedication and support of the club's ideals and principles.
   v. Announcement of the recipient to be made at the AGM.

7.04 Special contest rules shall be instituted as required and, as far as possible, be in keeping with general IPMS standards and practices.


8.01 The Chapter may hold one or more contests at any time that is open to both Chapter members and to the public at large.

8.02 The Chapter may charge a contest entry fee. This fee shall be non-discriminatory, that is, the fee shall apply equally to both members and non-members of the Chapter. The fee may be per entry, per entrant, or be based on some other scheme. The fee schedule shall be determined by the Chapter executive prior to each contest.

8.03 Standard Contest rules will be established, and regularly updated to reflect current IPMS standards and practices, along with RSM specific modifications.

8.04 Special contest rules shall be instituted as required and, as far as possible, be in keeping with general IPMS standards and practices.


9.01 Any member can propose an amendment to the constitution, either in writing or by oral motion, and having a seconded to the motion, at any regular Chapter meeting. Any proposed amendment must be published one (1) month prior to being voted upon. After discussion, any amendment must be passed by the majority vote of a quorum (being 50% of membership).

9.02 The exception is the formation of a Standing Committee under 4.12, which requires only Executive approval.